Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Art is often accused of being subjective. Hard to argue against that claim because, in art, there is no objective rightness or wrongness. One person likes a certain work while another prefers something entirely different. Neither is right or wrong.

But while art itself may be subjective the effects it has on a person or persons or even whole organizations, as you will see in this video, are very tangible and measurable. The angel in this video is much more than just a work of art; it is a symbol of hope and comfort. It represents the very best of the spirit of human giving and caring.

Hope you enjoy ......

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just like the art they create, artists come in varying sizes and styles and colors ....each with their own unique outlook on art and life. Joseph is a street artist. He sits on a bench in front of a downtown drugstore most weekday afternoons, hoping a passerby will hire him for a quick sketch or commissioned work. He has a great outlook on life. Take a look:

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Different View

The artist in this video, Paris Alexander, was exploring the thought of death when he sculptured the piece featured here.... but, as he succinctly states, "not in a morbid sense," but rather with a focus on what we leave behind when our body's cease to exist. The reality of death not only forces us to face the inevitable but also should help spur our consciousness to do good for the sake of humanity while we are still alive; even if it's in a very small and personal way. Paris challenged himself to express what remains, following death, as more than brick and mortar edifices or grandpa's favorite chair; perhaps even more than just memories in the thoughts of our friends and family.

The piece is called "Memento Mori." The interview is one of my favorites. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


[photo] Artists come in many different shapes and sizes. They exhibit a multitude of personalities and speak a variety of different languages. Each speaking to us in their own way. There is one particular artist, tho, who touches our souls by speaking to us with timeless beauty......Mother Nature. Utilizing various mediums she pours her heart out upon the canvas of our world, leaving her art in the most unsuspecting places.

It is said that in this electronic world we are taking less and less time to be introspective. Maybe if we paused every once in awhile to look closely at a flower or some other Mother Nature masterpiece we might gain a different perspective on the day ....and maybe even on ourselves. Experience the art that is all around us. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


[video] It is said that art is subjective yet we find a commonality in not only the fact that various art stirs our inner being, but even a commonality in the artists themselves. Whether their art genre be sculpture, painting, literary, performance, media or design, the universalism is not in the medium itself, or even in the method by which it stirs our emotions, but rather in the simple fact that we are somehow changed by their art. It influences us in subtle ways at times, but the impact on our lives is definitive. 

When we see someone bare their soul through art we are encouraged and strengthened, to whatever degree, to bare our own souls as well. Artistry can be a very humbling experience. But for artists, the drive for creativity and compassion for expression transcends any fear of rejection. When we realize the artist is creating art for himself, not for us, it releases our burden of acceptance. We no longer need to find value in art, but rather to simply let the art add value to us. Art moves our consciousness in subconscious ways. 

I am filming a series on artists at the The Rail Walk Studios and Gallery in the beautiful Arts District of Salisbury, North Carolina, USA. These are different minded people whose artistry include different mediums, but they all have a common passion for creating sharing their art. The first one is Patt Legg. I hope you enjoy.

VisitArt.us          zoomz.biz         Patt Legg

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cultural Arts

The term, "Cultural Arts," is more about describing a certain group of people rather than providing a definition for them. It is a collaboration of arts that reflect and explain the culture surrounding it. It helps us make sense of our environment through an exploration of creativity that is endemic with both large groups of people as well as small ones.

Here are a small group of people who reflect the creativity of my little town. I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Creativity Check

So much of creativity is channeled into an entity we call art. I think sometimes we spend as much time trying to categorize it as we do enjoying it. My art, if you want to call it that, sometimes simply involves capturing the creativity of nature. It doesn't pay much but it sure does make for interesting interpretations.

I shot this time lapse footage on the coast of South Carolina a few months back. Nature was in a very creative mood that day.