Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Art is often accused of being subjective. Hard to argue against that claim because, in art, there is no objective rightness or wrongness. One person likes a certain work while another prefers something entirely different. Neither is right or wrong.

But while art itself may be subjective the effects it has on a person or persons or even whole organizations, as you will see in this video, are very tangible and measurable. The angel in this video is much more than just a work of art; it is a symbol of hope and comfort. It represents the very best of the spirit of human giving and caring.

Hope you enjoy ......

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just like the art they create, artists come in varying sizes and styles and colors ....each with their own unique outlook on art and life. Joseph is a street artist. He sits on a bench in front of a downtown drugstore most weekday afternoons, hoping a passerby will hire him for a quick sketch or commissioned work. He has a great outlook on life. Take a look: